as I collapse

af recoil performance group

as I collapse

by recoil performance group

23.01.2020 12:0022:00

København: Nordpolen på Magneten (Teaterøen)

Varighed: 60 min.

Live online installation, voksenforestilling

I onlineinstallationen as I collapse kan du møde mikroskopiske selvlysende alger, for recoil performance group lader igen andre levende væsner end mennesket få fokus i deres værk. Performeren Nelly Zagora guider publikum via to kameraers close-ups på sin krop, som bliver til et imaginært landskab, hvor vandet bliver et livgivende forbindelsesled mellem arterne. Teksten af forfatter Ida Marie Hede er på én gang lyrisk og akademisk. recoil performance group har i flere udvidede koreografiske og kritiske værker undersøgt, hvordan andre levende væsner end mennesket kan overtage skabelsen af scenekunst. recoil performance group ønsker at diskutere vigtige spørgsmål om bæredygtighed og menneskets dominans af andre arter.

Du kan opleve værket, der består af en introduktionsvideo, et streamet live performanceværk, en afsluttende meditation samt et sanseligt, fysisk møde med Pyrocystis Fusiformis-algerne, på to måder, og via to forskellige billettyper: Som en kollektiv visning på Teaterøen eller online derhjemme. Værket streames også internationalt, så du kommer til at møde andre medlemmer af publikum på tværs af kontinenter.

Vælger du at opleve værket uden for Teaterøen, er det muligt at afhente Pyrocystis Fusiformis-algerne inden forestillingsdagen.

  • "Recoil har over en årrække udviklet en koreografisk praksis, hvor konfrontationen mellem det menneskelige og det “andet end menneskelige” står i centrum. Vi er optaget af at synliggøre et kollaps i vores opfattelse af verden som delt i to – kultur og natur – og opfattelse af mennesket som værende andre organismer overlegen. I as I collapse – live onlineinstallation er udgangspunktet en konfrontation med den mikroskopiske alge pyrocystis fusiformis og elementet vand, som både er det naturlige habitat for algen og det element, som binder alle levende væsner sammen – fra menneske til mikrobe."

    – Kunstner-statement

Værket er af Recoil Performance Group
Iscenesætter: Recoil Performance Group
Idéudvikler: Recoil Performance Group
Koreograf: Tina Tarpgaard
Performer: Nelly Zagora
Lysdesign: Mikkel Larsen
Lyd: Mikkel Larsen
Forfatter: Ida Marie Hede
Foto: recoil performance group

23.01.2020 12:0022:00

Copenhagen: Nordpolen på Magneten (Teaterøen)

Duration: 60 min.

Live online installation, adults only

In the online installation as I collapse, you can meet microscopic luminous algae, because once again recoil performance group lets other living creatures than man, be in focus in their work. Performer Nelly Zagora guides the audience via two camera’s close-ups on their body, which turns into an imaginary landscape where the water becomes a life-giving link between the species. The text of author Ida Marie Hede is both lyrical and academic. In several extended choreographic and critical works, recoil performance group has examined how living beings other than man, can take over the creation of performing arts. recoil performance group wants to discuss important issues of sustainability and human dominance of other species.

You can experience the piece, which consists of an introduction video, a streamed live performance, a collective meditation and lastly a physical meeting with the luminescent algae Pyrocystis Fusiformis, in two ways and via two different tickets: as a collective viewing at Teaterøen, or online from your home. The piece will also be streamed internationally, so you will meet audiences across continents. Audiences who experience the piece outside Teaterøen can collect the algae prior to the performance day.

  • "Over a number of years, recoil has developed a choreographic practice in which the confrontation between man and what is “something else than human” is at the centre. We are committed to highlighting a collapse in our perception of the world as divided into two – culture and nature – and a perception of man as being superior to other organisms. In as I collapse – live online installation, the starting point is a confrontation with the microscopic algae pyrocystis fusiformis and the element of water, which serves both as the natural habitat of the algae and the element that binds all living creatures together – from human beings to microbes."

    – Artist-statement

The work is by recoil performance group
Staging: recoil performance group
Concept: recoil performance group
Choreographer: Tina Tarpgaard
Performer: Nelly Zagora
Lighting: Mikkel Larsen
Sound: Mikkel Larsen
Author: Ida Marie Hede
Photo: recoil performance group