23.01.2020 16:00-19:00
30.01.2020 15:00-18:00
Ingen aldersbegrænsning (performancen er ikke skabt til børn, men heller ikke uegnet for børn)
Porous Nests er et koreografisk og performativt projekt og en installation i konstant forvandling, hvor danserne Peter Scherrebeck, Katrine Staub og Snorre Elvin bygger porøse reder, hvori dans kan opstå, af blandt andet tekstiler, kæder og parykker. Inspireret af paradisfuglens redebyggeri bliver dansernes kroppe en forlængelse af rederne og omvendt. Publikum kan besøge den flydende danseinstallation, som de vil, og opleve både flerstemmige sange og forførende møder. Værket undersøger alternative strategier for familieskabelse og queer support og stiller samtidig spørgsmålstegn ved kunstnerens rolle i et kapitalistisk samfund.
Katrine Staub er danser og koreograf og er bl.a. en del af kollektivet dance for plants. Peter Scherrebeck er koreograf, danser og videokunstner. Snorre Elvin er danser og koreograf og er bl.a. en del af dansekollektivet Danseatelier.
"Porous Nests er et performativt projekt og en praksis i konstant transformation, skabt og performet af koreograferne/danserne Snorre Elvin, Peter Scherrebeck og Katrine Staub. Projektet blander dans, drag og en installatorisk praksis, der skaber porøse reder, hvori dans kan opstå."
– Kunstner-statement
Værket er af: Katrine Staub, Peter Scherrebeck, Snorre Elvin
Iscenesætter: Katrine Staub, Peter Scherrebeck, Snorre Elvin
Koreograf: Katrine Staub, Peter Scherrebeck, Snorre Elvin
Performere:Katrine Staub, Peter Scherrebeck, Snorre Elvin
Foto: Sarah Johanna Theurer
23.01.2020 16:00-19:00
30.01.2020 15:00-18:00
No age restriction (the performance is not created for children, but not unsuitable for children)
Porous Nests is a choreographic and performative project and a constantly transformative installation in which the dancers Peter Scherrebeck, Katrine Staub and Snorre Elvin build porous nests in which dance can occur, consisting of textiles, chains and wigs among other things. Inspired by the bird of paradise’s nest building, the dancers’ bodies become an extension of the nests and vice versa. The audience can visit the fluid dance installation as they please and experience both multi-voiced singing and seductive encounters. The work examines alternative strategies for creating a family and queer support while questioning the role of the artist in capitalist society.
Katrine Staub is a dancer and choreographer, and among other things she is part of the collective dance for plants. Peter Scherrebeck is a choreographer, dancer and video artist. Snorre Elvin is a dancer and choreographer and, among other things, they are part of the dance collective Danseatelier.
"Porous Nests is a performative project and a practice in constant transformation, created and performed by the choreographers/dancers Snorre Elvin, Peter Scherrebeck and Katrine Staub. The project mixes dance, drag and an installation practice that creates porous nests in which dance can occur."
– Artist-statement
Credit list: The work is by Katrine Staub, Peter Scherrebeck, Snorre Elvin
Staging: Katrine Staub, Peter Scherrebeck, Snorre Elvin
Choreographer: Katrine Staub, Peter Scherrebeck, Snorre Elvin
Performers: Katrine Staub, Peter Scherrebeck, Snorre Elvin
Photo: Sarah Johanna Theurer