Selfie Concert

af Ivo Dimchev

Selfie Concert

by Ivo Dimchev

19.01.2020 20:00

København: Teatersalen på Kasernen (Teaterøen)

Sprog: Engelsk


Selfie Concert, som er den bulgarske queer-performer Ivo Dimchevs seneste værk, åbner Det Frie Felts Festival 2021. Den musikalske performance giver ikke bare publikum mulighed for at opleve kunstnerens stærke sangstemme, men også at interagere med ham via selfie sticks.
”Selfie er koreografi. Selfie er en skulptur. Selfie er en tragedie. Selfie er kærlighed. Selfie handler mindre om mig og mere om at være os,” siger Dimchev. I Selfie Concert vender Dimchev altså rundt på selvportrættet, iscenesat i relation til den musikalske opførelse, og gør det til en fælles begivenhed. Publikum bliver via coronasikre selfie sticks en del af værket. Ivo Dimchev er en legende tværdisciplinær kunstner født i Bulgarien. Han er både sanger, sangskriver, performer, koreograf og musiker.


Værket er af Ivo Dimchev
Iscenesætter: Ivo Dimchev
Idéudvikler: Ivo Dimchev
Musik: Ivo Dimchev
Performere: Ivo Dimchev og publikum
Komponist/musikere: Ivo Dimchev
Produktion: Humarts Foundation (Sofia – BG)
Co-production: ImPuls Tanz (Vienna – AT), mumok (Vienna – AT)
Management: Something Great (Berlin -DE)
Foto: Emilia Milewska, Ivo Dimchev

19.01.2020 20:00

Copenhagen: Teatersalen på Kasernen (Teaterøen)

Language: English

Adults only

Selfie Concert, the latest work of Bulgarian queer performer Ivo Dimchev, opens Selected Works 2021. The musical performance not only allows the audience to experience the performing artist’s strong singing voice, but also to interact with him via selfie sticks.
“Selfie is choreography. Selfie is a sculpture. Selfie is a tragedy. Selfie is love. Selfie is less about me and more about being us,” says Dimchev. In Selfie Concert, Dimchev turns around the self-portrait, as staged in relation to the musical performance and transforms it into a common event. Via corona-safe selfie sticks, the audience becomes part of the work. Ivo Dimchev is a playful interdisciplinary artist, born in Bulgaria. He is a singer, songwriter, performer, choreographer and musician.


The work is by Ivo Dimchev
Staging: Ivo Dimchev
Concept: Ivo Dimchev
Music: Ivo Dimchev
Performers: Ivo Dimchev and the audience
Composer/musicians: Ivo Dimchev
Production: Humarts Foundation (Sofia – BG)
Co-production: ImPuls Tanz (Vienna – AT), mumok (Vienna – AT)
Management: Something Great (Berlin – DE)
Photo: Emilia Milewska, Ivo Dimchev