The Show Must Go ON!

af Helene Kvint

The Show Must Go ON!

by Helene Kvint

04.11.2022 16:00

25.01.2023 21:00

København: Den Frie, Minus 2

Aarhus: Bora Bora, Lille Scene

Sprog: Dansk

Varighed: 45 min.


I scenekunstbranchen er man aldrig syg, vel?”, spørger Helene Kvint i The Show Must Go On! 

I forestillingen er en kvindelig skuespillers personlige #metoo-opgør udformet som et barsk, humoristisk og rørende standup show. De sexistiske og urimelige arbejdsforhold i scenekunstbranchen har sat sine spor i hendes krop, indtil den en dag på drastisk vis siger fra.
Herefter følger et sygdomsforløb, der bl.a. medfører, at hun, trods talrige indlæggelser på hospitalet, gennemfører premieren og hele spilleperioden på en forestilling – i en konstant angst for at falde om på scenen!
Forestillingen bygger på personlige erfaringer fra scenekunstbranchen, men det er fortællinger om situationer, de fleste kan nikke genkendende til uanset branche. Værket spørger, hvordan man som skuespiller – og ikke mindst som kvinde – kan ignorere sygdom og voldsomme smerter, fordi the show must go on! 

Helene Kvint er uafhængig scenekunstner, performer og skuespiller, der er uddannet på Cantabile 2. Hun er medstifter af performancegrupperne Second Hand Women (CZ) og CoreAct. CoreAct blev lukket ned i 2021.

Værket er produceret af Helene Kvint.
Idé, manus, iscenesættelse og performer: Helene Kvint
Konsulent og dramaturgisk sparring: Sara Hamming
Foto: PR-foto
Støttet af Dansk Skuespillerforbund.

04.11.2022 16:00

25.01.2023 21:00

Copenhagen: Den Frie, Minus 2

Aarhus: Bora Bora, Lille Scene

Language: Danish

Duration: 45 min.

Adult performance

“In the performing arts, you can never be sick, can you?” asks Helene Kvint in The Show Must Go On!

In this performance, a female actor’s personal #metoo experience is framed in the form of a tempestuous, funny and touching stand-up show. The sexist and unfair working conditions in the performing arts industry have left their mark on her body, until one day it dramatically says no. This is followed by a course of illness which means, despite numerous hospital admissions, that she completes the premiere and the entire period of the show she is in, but with a constant fear of passing out on stage! The performance is based on personal experience from the performing arts industry, but it is a story about situations that most people can recognise, regardless of which industry they work in. The work asks how, as an actor – and particularly as a woman – you can ignore illness and severe pain, because the show must go on!

Helene Kvint is an independent stage artist, performer and actor who trained at Cantabile 2. She is a co-founder of the performance groups Second Hand Women (CZ) and CoreAct. CoreAct was closed down in 2021.

The work is produced by Helene Kvint.
Idea, script, production and performer: Helene Kvint
Consultant and dramaturgical sparring: Sara Hamming
Photo: PR-foto
Supported by Dansk Skuespillerforbund.