af Florentina Holzinger


by Florentina Holzinger

28.01.2023 19:30

Aarhus: Store Sal (Bora Bora)

Sprog: Engelsk

Varighed: 120 min.


Den østrigske fremadstormende koreograf Florentina Holzingers feministiske TANZ åbner Det Frie Felts Festival 2021. TANZ – a sylphic reverie in stunts er inspireret af den benhårde ballettræning og forsøger at gøre op med ballettraditionens skønhedsidealer samt den fysiske disciplins jagt på perfektion og sensation. Værket perspektiverer derfor til pornoens lignende blik. TANZ er sidste konkluderende forestilling i Holzingers trilogi, der udstiller samtidens krop som et skuespil.

Florentina Holzinger er uddannet fra School for New Dance Development i Amsterdam i 2011 og har siden fået stor international opmærksomhed, bl.a. omkring samarbejdet med danseren Vincent Riebeek og for sin praksis, der trækker på popkulturens referencer og inkorporerer alt fra akrobater og muskuløse kvinder til kampsportsscenarier.


Værket er af Florentina Holzinger
Iscenesætter: Florentina Holzinger
Idéudvikler: Florentina Holzinger
Koreograf: Florentina Holzinger
Performere: Renée Copraij, Beatrice Cordua, Evelyn Frantti, Lucifire, Lydia Darling, Annina Machaz,  Netti Nüganen, Suzn Pasyon, Laura Stokes, Veronica Thompson, Josefin Arnell, Florentina Holzinger
Videodesign/live kamera: Josefin Arnell
Musik coach: Almut Lustig
Kostumer/skrædder: Mael Blau
Scenografi: Nikola Knezevic
Lyddesign/lydtekniker: Stefan Schneider
Lysdesign/teknisk chef: Anne Meeussen
Teknisk assistent: Koen Vanneste
Assistent: Camilla Smolders
Dramaturgi: Renée Copraij, Sara Ostertag
Dramaturgisk assistance: Michele Rizzo, Fernando Belfiore
Coach: Ghani Minne, Dave Tusk
Stunt support: Haeger Stunt & Wireworks
Stunt instruktører: Stunt Cloud GmbH (Leo Plank, Phong Giang, Sandra Barger)
Teori og research: Anna Leon
Objekter og maske: Students of Wigs, Make-up and Special Make-up Effects for Stage and Screen – Theaterakademie August Everding Munich, Marianne Meinl
Foto: Eva Würdinger (første foto) og Nada Zgank (andet foto)

Management: Something Great (Berlin – DE) & DANSCO (Amsterdam – NL)
International distribution: Something Great (Berlin – DE)

Production: Spirit
Executive Production: Laura Andreß
Administration: Julia Haas/SMART (Vienna – AT)
Co-produceret af Tanzquartier Wien (Vienna – AT), Spring Festival (Utrecht – NL), Theatre Rotterdam (Rotterdam – NL), Mousonturm (Frankfurt – DE), Arsenic (Lausanne – CH), Münchner Kammerspiele (Munich – DE), Take Me Somewhere Festival (Glasgow – UK), Beursschouwburg (Brussels, BE) deSingel (Antwerp – BE), Sophiensaele (Berlin – DE), Frascati Productions (Amsterdam -NL), Theater im Pumpenhaus (Muenster – DE), asphalt Festival (Düsseldorf – DE)

Støttet af: O Espaço do Tempo (PT), Fondation LUMA (FR) and De Châtel Award (NL)

Tak til: CAMPO Gent, ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival, Eva Beresin, Stefanie Leitner, Tanz-Archiv MUK Wien, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Mochi Catering Vienna, Andres Stirn.

Præsentationen af TANZ på Det Frie Felts Festival er en co-produktion med Bora Bora.


28.01.2023 19:30

Aarhus: Store Sal (Bora Bora)

Language: English

Duration: 120 min.

Adults only

The flourishing Austrian choreographer Florentina Holzinger’s feminist TANZ opens Selected Works 2021. TANZ – a sylphic reverie in stunts is inspired by ruthless ballet training and aims to confront the beauty ideals of the ballet tradition as well as the physical discipline’s pursuit of perfection and sensation. Therefore, the work draws similarities to the gaze of porn. TANZ is the final concluding performance in Holzinger’s trilogy, which exhibits the contemporary body as a spectacle.

Florentina Holzinger graduated from the School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam in 2011 and has since gained great international attention, including around the collaboration with dancer Vincent Riebeek, and because of a practice that draws on entertainment references and incorporates everything from acrobats and muscular women to martial arts scenarios.


Concept/Performance/Choreography: Florentina Holzinger
Performance by and with Renée Copraij, Beatrice Cordua, Evelyn Frantti, Lucifire, Lydia Darling, Annina Machaz,  Netti Nüganen, Suzn Pasyon, Laura Stokes, Veronica Thompson, Josefin Arnell, Florentina Holzinger
Video design/Live camera: Josefin Arnell
Sound design/Sound Technician: Stefan Schneider
Light design/Technical director: Anne Meeussen

Technical assistant: Koen Vanneste
Stage design: Nikola Knezevic

Stage assistant: Camilla Smolders
Dramaturgy: Renée Copraij, Sara Ostertag

Outside eye: Michele Rizzo, Fernando Belfiore

Music coach: Almut Lustig

Coaching: Ghani Minne, Dave Tusk
Stunt support: Haeger Stunt & Wireworks
Stunt instructors: Stunt Cloud GmbH (Leo Plank, Phong Giang, Sandra Barger)

Theory and research: Anna Leon

Costume advisor/tailor: Mael Blau

Prosthetic and Mask: Students of Wigs, Make-up and Special Make-up Effects for Stage and Screen – Theaterakademie August Everding Munich, Marianne Meinl
Photo: Eva Würdinger (first photo) and Nada Zgank (second photo)

Management: Something Great (Berlin – DE) & DANSCO (Amsterdam – NL)
International distribution: Something Great (Berlin – DE)
Production: Spirit
Executive Production: Laura Andreß
Financial administration: Julia Haas/SMART (Vienna – AT)

Co-produced by: Tanzquartier Wien (Vienna – AT), Spring Festival (Utrecht – NL), Theatre Rotterdam (Rotterdam – NL), Mousonturm (Frankfurt – DE), Arsenic (Lausanne – CH), Münchner Kammerspiele (Munich – DE), Take Me Somewhere Festival (Glasgow – UK), Beursschouwburg (Brussels, BE) deSingel (Antwerp – BE), Sophiensaele (Berlin – DE), Frascati Productions (Amsterdam -NL), Theater im Pumpenhaus (Muenster – DE), asphalt Festival (Düsseldorf – DE)

Supported by: O Espaço do Tempo (PT), Fondation LUMA (FR) and De Châtel Award (NL)

Thanks to: CAMPO Gent, ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival, Eva Beresin, Stefanie Leitner, Tanz-Archiv MUK Wien, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Mochi Catering Vienna, Andres Stirn.

The presentation of TANZ at Selected Works is a co-production with Bora Bora.
