Brancheseminar – Unapologetic Bodies on Stage

af Det Frie Felts Festival

Industry seminar – Unapologetic Bodies on Stage

by Selected Works

27.01.2023 14:00-16:30

Aarhus: Godsbanen, Remisen

Sprog: Engelsk

Varighed: 150 min.

Gratis entré

Brancheseminar Unapologetic Bodies on Stage med oplæg fra danske og en international oplægsholder.

Seminaret omhandler Unapologetic Bodies on Stage i et kunstnerisk perspektiv og de allestedsnærværende ableistiske strukturer og et muligt opgør med dem.

Der vil være oplæg fra følgende deltagere:

Doris Uhlich, koreograf (Østrig), som er aktuel på Det Frie Felts Festival med forestillingen Every Body Electric.

Victor Vejle, billedkunstner og studerende ved Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademi.

Cath Borch Jensen, performer, bl.a. i soloværket Modertræ og i værket Splastic af Daily Fiction.

Lotte Kofod Ludvigsen, teaterchef på Bora Bora, som skitserer scenens fremtidige vision og strategi i forhold til at sikre en mangfoldig tilgængelighed til – og på – scenen.

Moderator er Lone Kofoed Hansen, lektor på Aarhus Universitet, næstforperson i Ligestillings- og diversitetsudvalget på Arts-fakultetet.

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Brancheseminaret er arrangeret af Det Frie Felt Festival i samarbejde med Performing Arts Platform.

27.01.2023 14:00-16:30

Aarhus: Godsbanen, Remisen

Language: English

Duration: 150 min.

Free admission

Industry seminar with presentations from several -Danish and one international speaker. The seminar deals with Unapologetic Bodies on Stage in an artistic perspective. The focus is on the ubiquitous ableist structures and a possible rebellion against them.

There will be presentations from the following participants:

Doris Uhlich, choreographer (Austria), who is currently appearing in the Selected Works Festival with the performance Every Body Electric.

Victor Vejle, artist and student at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.

Cath Borch Jensen, performer, including in the solo performance Mothertree and the work Splastic by Daily Fiction.

Lotte Kofod Ludvigsen, Creative and executive director of Bora Bora, will outline the future vision and strategy of the theatre in relation to ensuring diverse accessibility to, and on, the stage. 

The seminar will be chaired by Lone Kofoed -Hansen, Associate Professor at Aarhus -University and member of the Diversity and Inclusion -Committee at the Faculty of Arts.

To register, please fill in this form:

The industry seminar has been organised by -Selected Works Festival in cooperation with Performing Arts Platform.