Brancheseminar: Det Frie Felt i Norden

af Det Frie Felts Festival

Industry seminar: The Independent Field of Performing Arts in the Nordic Countries

by Selected Works

04.11.2020 13:30

København: Den Frie, Minus 2

Sprog: Engelsk

Varighed: 120 min.

Brancheseminar med oplæg fra flere nordiske deltagere. Seminaret omhandler ligheder og -uligheder i et historisk perspektiv inden for det frie felt i Norden.

Der vil være oplæg fra følgende deltagere:

Lars Dahlqvist, leder af Teatercentrum Syd (Sverige), Hilkka-Liisa Iivanainen, kunstnerisk leder af Tampere Festival (Finland), Jørgen  Knudsen, kunstnerisk leder af Black Box teater (Norge), Mette Garfield, redaktør af Bastard Blog -og -anmelder samt Anette Asp Christensen, forperson i Uafhængige Scenekunstnere.

Moderatorer er Gritt Uldall-Jessen og Erik Pold, der udgør den kunstneriske ledelse af Det Frie Felts Festival.

Brancheseminaret er arrangeret af Det Frie Felts Festival og Udviklingsplatformen for Scenekunst. Det er støttet af Udviklingsplatformen for Scenekunst.

Tilmelding til brancheseminaret her

For spørgsmål vedr. seminaret, skriv til:

Det er støttet af Udviklingsplatformen for Scenekunst, Finlands Kulturinstitut i Danmark og Den Svenske Ambassade.








04.11.2020 13:30

Copenhagen: Den Frie, Minus 2

Language: English

Duration: 120 min.

Industry seminar with presentations from several Nordic participants. The seminar will deal with similarities and differences in a historical perspective within the Nordic independent field.

There will be presentations from the following participants: Lars Dahlqvist, director of Teatercentrum Syd (Sweden), Hilkka-Liisa Iivanainen, artistic director of Tampere Festival (Finland), Jørgen Knudsen, artistic director of Black Box Theatre (Norway), Mette Garfield, editor of Bastard Blog and critic, and Anette Asp Christensen, chair of Uafhængige Scenekunstnere (Independent Performing Artists).

The moderators will be Gritt Uldall-Jessen and Erik Pold, artistic directors of Selected Works Festival.

The seminar is organised by Selected Works Festival and the Development Platform for the -Performing Arts. It is supported by the Development Platform for the Performing Arts.

Sign up for the industry seminar here

If you have any questions about the seminar, write to:

It is supported by the Development Platform, The Finnish Institute of Culture in Denmark and The Swedish Embassy.